$39.95 $41.90
Now available! The I Love Lu: Riesling Loved By Lu Duo is a mini-celebration of Riesling!
Riesling Loved By Lu is a tribute to Sue-Ann's Grandmother and mentor, Lu Staff. When Sue-Ann was a little girl, she loved being in the vineyards with her Grandmother. Lu taught Sue-Ann all she knew about caring for the vines, knowledge Sue-Ann carries with her to this day. When Sue-Ann became a winemaker, Lu always particularly liked Sue-Ann's semi-dry Rieslings, so after she passed, Sue-Ann decided to create a semi-dry Riesling every year as a tribute to her mentor.
Purchase the I Love Lu: Riesling Loved By Lu Duo and enjoy two vintages of this iconic wine! Includes one bottle each of the 2020 vintage and the 2019 vintage of Riesling Loved By Lu for the special price of $39.95. Both wines are semi-dry, with beautiful balancing acidity. Both vintages are incredible versatile and outrageously easy to pair with your favourite foods! Some of our team's favourite Lu parings include:
$169.95 $179.70
Aren't you the lucky ones?! Discovering our St. Patrick's Pack before St. Patrick's Day, now there's a bit of good luck! Introducing the St. Patrick's Pack, a collection of six...
$114.95 $118.70
Manifest warmer weather with the Sunshine Sips Pack! Sue-Ann's chosen six of our sunniest wines to create the Sunshine Sips Pack. It's a special collection of light, fruit-forward, and budget...
$125.95 $132.70
It's a Fancy Farm Girl celebration! We created this pack for an upcoming industry event and decided it was too good not to share with everyone! Get your Fancy Farm...
$150.00 $150.70
Introducing the Snow Shoveler's Survival Pack! Think of it as a reward for all that heavy lifting we're all doing this winter ;) Sue-Ann chose an array of best-sellers and...